It’s time for you to step into your POWER 

How would you show up differently in your life if you felt safe & comfortable enough to express yourself openly?

How much easier would your life be if you didn’t feel trapped in your own mind and body & you were living each day the way you wanted to live it. Instead of thinking, “It’s not safe for me to be me, as I am”

How freeing would it be to be your authentic self & wake up with no anxiety or limitations about the days, weeks, months ahead of you?

What my clients say

  • "Jodie is so amazing. I love her style of coaching."

  • "I shared my story with 2 different therapists but our conversation really shifted something in me."

  • “I can’t believe how a complete stranger has made me feel. I feel like Jodie won't judge me if I say or do something wrong."

  • "Working with Jodie has been transformative. She helped me to gain perspective and to open up in a way I didn’t even know was possible."

  • "Jodie's kind and gentle presence and compassion really helped me meet the most vulnerable places within me."

  • "I will be forever grateful for the impact coaching with Jodie had on me."

Let’s start the conversation

Book a 30min discovery call with me to see if we are a good fit. Do you feel safe and comfortable with me? We will discuss the packages I offer and I will answer any questions you have.

It’s a journey - not a destination  

When you have decided to make a change it’s important to choose someone who will be by your side and understand you. Someone you feel safe and comfortable to share the journey with.  

Vision & Understanding  

From the very first session we will dive in as deep as you feel comfortable, we will explore why  you feel the way you do, where is comes from and when it started. We will discuss the steps to take in order to reframe and remove these and start to experience a new perspective.  

A whole new world  

After 3 months you will have a deep understanding of yourself. How you can now live in a flow state, allowing your mind and body to feel free.  

You will adopt an empowered mindset where life now feels and looks like a whole new world- one you only ever wished of! 

1:1 Coaching Packages

The 3 months coaching packages are my most popular and most effective way of working with me.  The results are more profound and by committing to a 3-month package you are committing to yourself and your healing.

6 Week Package: Open up to transformation

  • 1 x 90 minute Zoom call per week for a total of 6 weeks

  • 6 week commitment.

  • Brainspotting limiting beliefs

  • Patterns searching

  • inner child work

12 Week Package: Transform your mindset, Transform your life

1 x 90 minute Zoom call per week for a total of 12 weeks

  • 12 week commitment.

  • Brainspotting limiting beliefs

  • Patterns searching

  • inner child work

VIP 6 Month Package: Dive deep, transform, grown & heal.

  • All of what is included in the above packages +

  • Calls are recorded & sent to you for self-study 

  • Each week I will reframe our session and send you a run down on what we discovered on each call 

  • This package also includes DAILY (5 days per week - Mon to Fri Excluding bank holidays) support via Watsapp, written and voice notes.

You will have me in your pocket. You can reach out to discuss your daily challenges and achievements - I will support you and celebrate with you.  

BOOK A DISCOVERY CALL to discuss other possible packages and payment plans if required

Not ready to commit to a package?

1:1 pay-as-you-go sessions

  • 1 x 90-min Zoom call

  • Please note, there will be no recorded sessions and no write-up after these session.  

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